Singing Guide: Eric Benet

Singing Guide: Eric Benet

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like Eric Benet may be a tall order as he has not only a robust and soulful voice but is also technically flawless. However, with consistent practice, the following tips can help you develop a voice that captures his essence.

  • Breathing: Eric Benet has excellent breath control, which allows him to establish a powerful and dynamic vocal presence. Incorporating breathing exercises daily will help to increase lung capacity and improve breath control as well as stamina. Farinelli Breathing exercises are perfect for getting started.
  • Vocal registers: Eric Benet's vocals typically present a striking combination of chest voice, head voice, and mixed voice. The mixed voice is the breakthrough point between chest and head voice's coordination and is where the majority of impact behind Benet's sound lies. Understanding voice registers, chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice is essential to create his sound.
  • Pitch control and tone: Eric Benet's pitch control and tonal quality are superior, which is a result of deliberate practice. The pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots is an excellent tool for training the ear and learning the necessary techniques to achieve vocal accuracy.
  • Vocal placement and resonance: Benet's voice has a smooth, warm quality that sounds as though it emerges from the face. It is crucial to develop a forward placement resonance whereby you direct your sound towards the mask of your face, using open mouth and throat techniques as taught in these Singing Carrots articles and exercises.
  • Articulation: Articulation plays a vital role in singing. Eric Benet sings with an excellent articulation that makes his voice clear, precise, and easily understandable. Finger Bite technique and other articulation exercises in Singing Carrots resources are great for honing this skill.

In addition to these general techniques, it's essential to focus on one of Benet's signature elements, which are his emotive delivery and soulfulness. The Course on Singing for Beginners offered by Singing Carrots will provide foundational knowledge and practical tips for emotive singing.

Eric Benet's songs that showcase his unique vocal style are "Spend My Life With You," "Sometimes I Cry," "The Last Time," "Chocolate Legs," and "Georgy Porgy." Singing along to these songs with the Pitch Monitoring and Pitch Training tools on Singing Carrots will provide a roadmap to improve your performance.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Eric Benet will take time, patience, and devoted practice. However, with the help of Singing Carrots' vocal augmentation resources, you can progressively learn the techniques that will bring you closer to achieving Benet's vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.